格式1. 先寫標題,作者名, 時間, 日期, 年份(西元).
共分為三段, 第一段陳述一天的事件(刷牙, 洗臉, 等等),
第二段挑出一到二件重要事件, 並詳細描述
第三段分析第二段中的深層函意... 並提出見解...
格式2. 日記是寫給自己看的... 沒有故定格式... 你高興就好....
Dear Diary, To my diary, 用逗號而非冒號
Dear diary,
It has been a tiring day for me. I had class all day long. I even didn't have the time to have lunch. The schedaul was crazy. But on the bright side, I just need to hang in here for another week, and I can go for a vacation later.
8th, Feb, 2005
通常Diary是每天的紀錄, 若是隨筆則稱 Journal.
8th, Feb, 2005
通常Diary是每天的紀錄, 若是隨筆則稱 Journal.
To Diary:(常常看到這種對日記說話) Feb.8
Today is Chinese New Year's first day.All my families are happy .
Adults are preparing for dinner in the evening.
Children are playing together .
In the house is full of joys and happy.
I hope I can lucky this year.
Happy Boy
To Diary:(常常看到這種對日記說話) Feb.8
Today is Chinese New Year's first day.All my families are happy .
Adults are preparing for dinner in the evening.
Children are playing together .
In the house is full of joys and happy.
I hope I can lucky this year.
Happy Boy
96.8.25(96 years/august/25th)
Bad things happen in threes,I got up this morningso I missed the school bus. At school,Itoooka math test but got very bad gardes .After a tiring day she went back home .However ,I could not get into the house
beacause I forgot to bring the door key with I.what a terrible day I had!
開頭:.例1.Today is wonderful day . I go to school with my friend........例2. Today I is my birthday.My parents takeme and brother go to a
一號 -first(縮寫....st)二號-second(縮寫...nd)三號-third(縮寫...rd)其他的日期只要加-th
Bad things happen in threes,I got up this morningso I missed the school bus. At school,Itoooka math test but got very bad gardes .After a tiring day she went back home .However ,I could not get into the house
beacause I forgot to bring the door key with I.what a terrible day I had!
開頭:.例1.Today is wonderful day . I go to school with my friend........例2. Today I is my birthday.My parents takeme and brother go to a
一號 -first(縮寫....st)二號-second(縮寫...nd)三號-third(縮寫...rd)其他的日期只要加-th
參考資料 第一次打很詳細的我
- 2007-08-28 11:23:24補充
1月:January=Jan 2月:February=Feb3月:March =Mar 4月:April=Apr5月: May =May 6月:June=Jun7月: July= Jul 8月: August=Aug9月: September=Sep 10月: October=Oct11月:November=Nov 12月:December=Dec
小阿姨 ( 初學者 5 級 )
It is a rainy day and I wake up at seven this morning. After eating
breakfast, I surf the internet. I like to play mah-jong on the internet.
I enjoy the game until twelve.
I have lunch with my parents at noon.
In the afternoon, I go to the library and borrow some books.
I also read magazines there. I go home at 4:00. It stops raining.
I play basketball with my brother in front of the house.
He is good at it so finally I lose in the game.
It is 6:00 when we go into house.
We eat hot pot because the weather
is too cold. I like eat hot pot. It is very delicious.
I take a shower at 7:30. Next, I read the books on my bed.
I go to sleep at 9:00 at night.
breakfast, I surf the internet. I like to play mah-jong on the internet.
I enjoy the game until twelve.
I have lunch with my parents at noon.
In the afternoon, I go to the library and borrow some books.
I also read magazines there. I go home at 4:00. It stops raining.
I play basketball with my brother in front of the house.
He is good at it so finally I lose in the game.
It is 6:00 when we go into house.
We eat hot pot because the weather
is too cold. I like eat hot pot. It is very delicious.
I take a shower at 7:30. Next, I read the books on my bed.
I go to sleep at 9:00 at night.
1. stomach ache 肚子痛, diarrhea 澇賽
2. I've seen you before. I've met you before.
3. 天氣 the weather寵物 pet和朋友出去 hang out with friends吃吃喝喝 going out to eat看電影 watching movies拜訪親戚 visit relatives約會 go on a date旅遊 travel購物 shopping做作業 do homework 剪頭髮 go get a hair cut打掃家裡 clean the house去夜店 clubbing在家煮飯 cooking at home去海邊 go to the beach去爬山 go hiking
Dear diary,
Today I went to hang out with friends. I had a lot of fun. We went out to eat at a Japanese restaurant, the food was really good. My favorite Japanese food issushi and sashimi. After eating, we went shopping at a nearby department store. I bought a new pair of shoes since there was a sale at the store.
還有一段英文思維的一段話,真希望自己腦袋能跟上2. I've seen you before. I've met you before.
3. 天氣 the weather寵物 pet和朋友出去 hang out with friends吃吃喝喝 going out to eat看電影 watching movies拜訪親戚 visit relatives約會 go on a date旅遊 travel購物 shopping做作業 do homework 剪頭髮 go get a hair cut打掃家裡 clean the house去夜店 clubbing在家煮飯 cooking at home去海邊 go to the beach去爬山 go hiking
Dear diary,
Today I went to hang out with friends. I had a lot of fun. We went out to eat at a Japanese restaurant, the food was really good. My favorite Japanese food issushi and sashimi. After eating, we went shopping at a nearby department store. I bought a new pair of shoes since there was a sale at the store.
1. 大量根據圖片來瞭解生詞的含義,故事的情節.這是少兒英語中常用的方法,也 試用于成人.
2. 習慣于使用英-英字典而不是英-漢字典會起相當重要的作用.
3. 加強聽力訓練,尤其是聽用英語解釋英語的課程講解.
4. 如果沒有機會擁有封閉的語言環境的話, 就最好嘗試一下自我封閉語言環境的創造與訓練.如:強迫自己在一周內所有要表達的話,全部用英語表達.只要你能堅持一周,效果就相當明顯,而無論你所表達的英語有多糟!.口語雖自有特色,但與英語的其他方面緊密相連.比如,經常練習寫作,可使口語精密,準確.